Integration of Sentry to Rails
Once your Sentry is up and running, let’s look on how to integrate it in your Apps.
As I work on Rails, I am documenting integration of Sentry on Rails App.
Raven for Ruby
is the gem which will act as the client and integration layer for Sentry’s APIs.
gem 'sentry-raven'
Documentation :
Github project :
Configuration inside Project
Adding gem to the Gemfile
Inside your Gemfile, include the sentry-raven
Making a Sentry initializer file.
Make a new file sentry.rb
under the rails folder /config/initializers
, and save it with following details
Raven.configure do |config|
config.dsn = '< INSERT DSN key from SENTRY UI -> PROJECT SETTINGS -> Client DSN>'
Testing the configuration
Add the following code to any of your methods and check the error on Sentry UI
# inside a method
Raven.capture do
# capture any exceptions which happen during execution of this block
1 / 0
The method
containing the above block
when called, will result and error and the error should go to Sentry.
![alt text][error_img]
Once you receive the line
Sending event XXXXXXXXX to Sentry
Check the Sentry UI whether you received the error entry or not. Sentry is integrated at this point !